A recent article featuring Diane's work at the Sydney Opera House and in aged care.
Spring for Seniors at the Sydney Opera House, photo credit by Cassandra Hannagan.
Whilst there is a plethora of options for young people to participate in high-quality dance programs, there remain limited options for older adults. The benefits of dance for physical strength, mobility, and mental and cognitive health are well-researched. There is also plenty of evidence to support the benefits of active participation of older adults in cultural programs.
Busuttil adds, “What I like to do is bring in theatrical elements to dance. The focus is in creativity rather than a specific dance style. Which allows the mix of dance and theatre to enhance creativity. During the sessions, I am creating a structure that is making people feel safe. There is a lot of warmth and fun. So that people feel they can do things outside of their comfort zone. I am actively encouraging people to tap into their own creativity.”
Read the full article HERE